Senior Year From Home

Many members of the class of 2021 are having to adapt to remote learning as this year has brought many unexpected changes upon their routines.


Freja Cini, Student Life and Opinion Section Editor

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Every freshman looks forward to the day of their graduation. When entering the doors of their new high school on the first day of school, they all dream of the fun and rewarding experience senior year will bring them: senior sunrise, homecoming week, even the school activities they look forward to attending throughout the year. However, due to an unfortunate turn of events this year, this was not the case for the class of 2021. 


With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, many seniors have had to attend online school through the learning platform CFISD Connect, severely limiting the enjoyable activities they would usually experience as part of their last year’s journey in high school.


For some seniors, like Imani Edwards, COVID and online school have brought a lot of unwanted trouble into her senior year electives.


“Some things I’m missing out on right now is getting to see my PALS,” Edwards said. “I’m in PALS, and what I love most about the program is being able to mentor kids to become the best that they can be. Unfortunately, I wouldn’t be able to do that because I’m stuck behind a screen doing assignments.”


On top of PALS, Edward is also part of the varsity volleyball team and MOB, and the struggle she’s been experiencing while trying to balance all of these activities with online school and COVID policies is quite frustrating. 


“In volleyball, we have to practice with masks on,” Edwards said. “Imagine running around for a while with something covering your mouth, it’s so hard to breathe. As a yell leader, we have to practice social distancing on the field. When I tell you Mrs. Mayard has to tell us ‘6 feet’ every 5 seconds I’m not kidding. We’re just so used to being close to everyone that now with these new rules it’s often easy to forget social distancing.”


Online school can’t be labeled exactly as “easy.” Many seniors, like Kaylin Parker, have been struggling with technology issues and aren’t as fond of working in front of their computer all day long.

Kaylin Parker, studying during her Calculus BC class. (K. Parker)


“Some disadvantages [of online school] I’d say is the communication between teachers and students. If you missed the Zoom call, but you had a question about an assignment, you’d have to email them and wait a while before they could get back to you. By that time your assignment would probably be already due,” Edwards notes. “Another disadvantage is opening and accessing documents. Not everyone’s laptop or computer can download certain things and sometimes when opening the assignment it says we need the access that the teacher doesn’t know how to give.” 


However, some Connect students are valuing the time they have at home. Despite missing out on some school activities she’s been looking forward to this year, senior Kaylin Parker is enjoying the advantages online school has given her so far.


“I truly enjoy being in the comfort of my own home when it comes to online school,” Parker said. “My mornings tend to be more relaxed and I feel more organized as everything is at my disposal. There are also no rushed passing periods between class, you simply join the next Zoom meeting. Whenever the day is over, I can start immediately on homework as I don’t have to make the trek back home from Falls.”


Although online school has brought numerous problems upon the 2021 seniors, there are still advantages to it that help out many students through these difficult times. Despite this year looking much different from previous years, the seniors are still persevering through and trying to celebrate their last year in every little opportunity they get. 


“I am thankful for getting the option to learn online because I like knowing my family and I will be safe,” senior Maria Gonzalez said. “I’m also thankful for this experience because it has taught me time management and self discipline to get all my work done on time.”