Homerun Renovations


Summer Folwell, Staff member

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Last year, Cy-Fair ISD was granted a $1.76 billion bond that was to be used for renovations and new equipment for schools across the district. Using their cut of the bond, Cy Falls High School was able to completely renovate their softball and baseball fields. 


Although the fields are still under renovation, both teams are excited to see the results. The fields are projected to be completed sometime during the next two months. 

The new turf on the softball field. (S.Folwell)

“We can actually host play-off games here,¨ Head Softball Coach John Hughs said. ¨It’s gonna be super because our field is gonna be in great demand especially when it comes to the rainouts and the playoffs.¨


Through the school’s history, both of the fields have continuously been updated. The most recent update to the fields was four years ago.


 “We received a new brick backstop and tall netting,” Head Baseball Coach Christopher Laird said. “That was the last major upgrade we have received since I have been here.”


In order to get the best possible field, the district looked at many fields across Texas to come up with the Cy Falls design. Before starting the renovations, the district athletic directors in charge rigorously studied other softball and baseball fields from high schools and colleges across the state before determining the final draft of the blueprints.  


“Our athletic directors have put in countless hours coming up with the blueprints for the fields,” Laird said. “They traveled to baseball and softball facilities all over the state.” 


The updates include an all turf field with the logo in centerfield, a new storage area for both baseball and softball equipment, new batting cages, new bullpens, new dugouts, new bleachers, and new fencing around the field that will clean up the look of the facility.

The beginnings of the brand new batting cages. (S.Folwell)

Until the fields are finished the teams are practicing on the football field to get used to the turf in preparation for playing on the new fields.


¨It’s difficult being out here on a football field playing softball,¨ Phil Grandjean, assistant varsity and head JV softball coach said.  ¨We can’t get into our batting cages. We can’t do any hitting drills, so we´re having to focus on field work.¨


Even with the few challenges the baseball and softball teams are facing while their fields are being renovated,  they’ll be ready to play. The softball and baseball seasons are set to start in February.